Our Teachers

Educator Lucy Chaille’

CCC’s founder, Lucy Chaille’, has been in the educational field for over 35 years.  She holds a “Masters in Fine Arts” along with advanced studies in education and program design. Considered a Master Teacher, Lucy specializes in constructivist philosophy and the Reggio Approach.

A note from Lucy:

I am the youngest child in a family of four, with a fun four of my own, and four fabulous grandkids. We are a  family of educators, with a history of community engagement and child advocacy. You could say it’s the family profession!

I am passionate regarding creative learning and the Reggio Approach.  I see children as explorers, always seeking to understand and find meaning in the world.  Their natural curiosity inspires their motivation to learn and to create relationships with people, big ideas, and how things work. Our role as adults, is to provide a framework for their educational journey. A framework that encourages children to seek knowledge, wellbeing and respect for others .  

More Bios to come…

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